1. My post about my Off the Rails mini quilt. I had such a wonderful time taking a class with the incomparable Maria Shell, and I am totally sold on her mat cutting method and use of color!

3. My post about the Magnolia Mystery Quilt that Cheryl put together. I love how this quilt turned out, and I sent it to a friend who was going through some tough times. I was happy to share that cheery quilt!
4. My post about my Moody Beauty wall hanging. This was a project that I worked on for a long time, in fits and starts. I was so pleased with the result (although it doesn't photograph particularly well!)

5. My post on finishing the Quiltville mystery quilt top from Bonnie K. Hunter - On Ringo Lake. I really enjoyed the process of making that quilt (even though the pieces were smaller and more precise than I am used to). I think it made me a better quilter. I also enjoyed being part of such a huge, supportive and creative community. So many quilts made from the same pattern! This top remains unquilted, but it is next in line!
I will post a Quilts of 2018 recap early in the new year - I have a few pieces that I will be able to share soon after the new year. I am also participating in a blog hop in late January, and will have plenty to share about making a quilt from an upcoming book from TeresaDownUnder. Then I start back to school. I am feeling a bit more confident in my drawing and painting skills, and maybe I'll even share some of those works!
Happy New Year!