I had grand plans for 2020! However, even before January ended, my life changed forever. My mom, who was an enthusiastic supporter of all my endeavors, passed away fairly unexpectedly at the end of January. I had spent time with her nearly every day since retiring in 2016, and suddenly she was gone. Then, in the midst of working through that grief, Covid hit, and life as we all knew it was no longer the same. Everyone's life has been upended in ways big and small.
I found art and creative pursuits good solace, and managed to finish up the work to complete my associates degree in fine art. I also returned to quilting, and made a lot of masks as well! While I managed to post pictures on Instagram (@snugharborquilts), I couldn't find the energy to work on my blog until now.
I have refreshed the look of my blog, and will again start documenting my quilting experiences as I go along. If I get brave enough, maybe I'll share my other art as well! I'd like to say I'll blog every week or so, but let's not get too crazy!
In the upcoming months, I'll blog about a few of my recent quilts - here are a few teaser photos!
A civil war repro spider web for my husband. Hand quilting! Yikes!
A batik "Delectable Mountain" gifted to my sister-in-law
A "Lexi" for my soon to be daughter-in-law |
A quilt for me - there is a whole story behind this one!
In the meantime, thank you for visiting my blog, and be well.
Take care,