I am stuck!
I have several projects to work on, and am having trouble getting anything done. It may be that my two studio art classes are keeping me busy enough creatively. It may be the onset of the dark and cold winter. Who knows, but I need to start making some progress! Has this ever happened to any of you?
I had been procrastinating on pinning my completed "On Ringo Lake" top and the top I created for a friend at my quilt retreat. I finally got going on those, and as always, it wasn't as bad as I feared, once I got the backing sized correctly. I clear off my craft table, pull up both sides, and start with the center of the backing (right side down) and pull it taut and hold in place with big binder clips. I then smooth out the batting, and then lay the top on top. Once I have the portion on the table top done, I have to move it around, but I get a rhythm going and get it done pretty quickly. I had to go buy more pins, since I was pinning up two larger quilts! I have discovered that listening to books on tape really makes the process go quickly. Nothing too serious or high brow - I am currently working through the James Patterson Murder Club series!
The next step, of course, is getting them quilted! I use my Tiara for this job, and generally quickly set up the pinned quilts on the machine, which I keep in the basement office area. Yet, I have hesitated. I have not used the Tiara since we adopted our kittens, Betty and Judy, who are now about 7 months old. They are pretty, aren't they?
The kittens also play in that basement office, and find all machines quite fascinating. The printer, the scanner, any video playing on the computer screen get lots of attention. I know the quilting machine is in for some attention, too. This paper towel roll happened to be in the basement, and also got lots of attention!
Yikes! My plan now is to shut the cats out while I quilt, and plan to remove the quilt from the machine when the cats are in their beds (which are also in this same multipurpose room!) It is actually putting the plan into action that seems to be a problem!
Despite the stalled work on my quilting projects, I have made significant progress on other things. I am thrilled that I already sold a few of my original mixed media collages, and put two more up on Etsy today. If you are looking for the perfect artwork for a sewing room - take a took! The link to my Etsy shop (SnugHarborStudio) is on the right hand side of the blog near the top.
"Sew Loop Here" |
I have another project up on my design wall that needs to be worked on as well. I'll share more about that in my next post! It was too depressing to write about too many stalled projects at once!
It may be that Thanksgiving will arrive before that next post! Have a happy and peaceful one. I am thankful for my family, friends, and the ability to make quilts and take art classes. How lucky I am!
Take care,